NOBLE FAILURE #11 (November 2007)
(Scroll to the bottom to view the gallery.)
What’s all the hub-bub, Bub?
Only the latest edition of NOBLE FAILURE, my monthly 24-Hour Comic!
(Just because they get done on a monthly basis doesn’t mean they’ve gotten posted in the same month. Lots of excuses I could bore you with, but why bother? You wouldn’t believe half of them anyway.)
Having gained a ton of computer drawing experience with NOBLE FAILURE #9, I decided to take another swing at an on-line comic.
Swing — and a miss!
Issue #11 tops out at 14 pages. There are some surprises in those pages, artistically speaking. The newsmen came out nicely. They don’t look like my usual style, which must mean I’m learning.
So, only one more issue to go. I’ve got a couple of days off in a row this week, so will making my twelfth and final attempt starting late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, depending on the wife and kid.
The final issue will be posted before the end of the year. Count on it!